My baby is healthy and growing and wonderful. Goodness I am thankful. Happy Mother's Day to me.
I think life gives you what you can handle and parts of me wonder if I could handle anything heavier. I thank my lucky stars every night for giving me this. He makes us smile so much. I can only imagine how the smiles will increase over time... I can't wait to find out.
I saw this on another blog today... here...
and thought it was perfect.
Thank you for motherhood.
Thank you for the good days, the medium days and the hard days.
Thank you for the little ones under my care.
Thank you for the gift of being a mom.
Let me remember.
Let me remember to not keep a record of wrongs.
Let me remember to not define self based on past.
Let me remember to learn from mistakes, but not dwell on mistakes.
Let me remember that their hearts matter more than the perfect house.
Let me remember that being a mother means growing.
Let me see.
Let me see the little things.
Let me see the good first.
Let me see the wonder.
Let me see each child for who they are.
Let me see what has been done not what needs to be done.
Let me see all that I do.
Let me listen.
Let me listen attentively.
Let me listen and seek their hearts.
Let me listen for the I love you moments in life.
Let me listen to truth and not to the lies of culture.
She wants to walk and to listen as well, she wants to remember not to forget that each day has it's rewards.
I will post some new pictures tomorrow :)
Thank you life for giving me my first Mother's Day ... I am so lucky.
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