Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mom Things.

Some mom rambles and maybe a picture or two.

Those "mom" moments still take me by surprise. I am doing all baby - all the time this week, until Monday because Dad is away (Don't come rob me, I have nothing cool) so tonight I was doing the bedtime routine and waiting for the baby to get done his bottle when I saw A GIANT BLACK CIRCLE CRAWLING ACROSS THE FLOOR. Ahhh panic!!!!!  Holy god that's a large bug. And fast. Holy heck. So normally I'd run and scramble and hope the husband would kill it but clearly that's not possible... and there is no way I would be leaving it with my child while he slept, what do I do!!!  Any person knows, you do NOT want to turn on the light during the bedtime routine. Lets be serious here. But, I had to. I acted quick, grabbed a shoe and told that bug outloud... "not in the room with my kid, no way!" I was freaking because I had no idea where it went... and I couldn't take too long because then he would get the idea he was hanging out now instead of bed (please see above when I said all baby- all the time- time for the kid to go to sleep) so to make a long story shorter... by the grace of god I moved the rocking chair and there it was!!!!!  I was determine to kill it, and I did. And it was gross but I made sure there was no giant spider in the room with my sleeping baby.

In other mom moment news... he is just the best. Now don't get me wrong I don't sit around all day in a euphoric state of bliss.... but sometimes he just rocks my world. I started singing the (dumb) barney song in the bath and he tries to move his perfect lips to make little coo sounds (which I know means he is trying to sing because EVERY other thing is "dada") while smiling. stop. come on, that's cute. The kid is cute.

Now for some pictures.. (which you have seen if we're friends on facebook)

He was so cute with the halloween decor behind us... I would say "where's halloween?" and he would turn from where ever he was and point to the decorations and now we say "bye bye halloween" because I took it down... so he will wave at the empty bookshelf. Until I put up Christmas!!!  Woo hoo

Next is his birthday (he will be 11 months on the 16th of this month) I will def post pictures of his party for internet record... 

We are making a time capsule and I will be including this quote... 

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you. - A.A Milne

I love me some winnie the pooh too.. (not like wear the clothing love, just the sentiment behind the sweet show) 

H.J.O you are the bestest of the best...