Friday, October 5, 2012

I suck at blogging.

This blog is anxiety on my list of anxieties. ! I am sweeping and thinking, crap I should probably update the blog. I'll be driving and thinking, man I should really update that blog. Sometimes I think, maybe I'll delete it so I can stop feeling bad!!!  But that is a commitment to quitting .... so please anyone who reads.. know I will update every so often and when he gets older I will do more!

You can also follow us on instagram @ zaralex :) because he is cute... let's be serious...

Lets look at some pictures!

And this was his 9 month picture... I swear I will do a 10 month post!
He was watching tv.... but he was still, so that is good.

Every baby develops differently. And all I know is my own, and I know not to compare.. because as my tride and true rule goes... at 15 he will def. and be awesome all on his own. It's okay if he isn't doing them all right now but he is learning and growing.

If you play peekaboo and chase him he will laugh and run away. He is starting to understand sometimes the lid on his sippy cup is down and I watch him flip it back and forth trying to figure it out. He grabs tons of food but only gets in one or two pieces (the rest is on the floor) but watching his nugget hand trying to get it all is great. He will lean forward and look over his car seat when he is expecting more snacks to be handed to him from afar.. (I am surprised more mom do not get in more accidents! ... with the binky finding, and the snack providing, and leaning alllll the way out of the seat belt to get a toy that is super far away) or maybe I just spoil him.. that could be it too.
He is tricky too because when I say "want to look outside?" he looks right at the window... but when I say "say mama" or "where's dada" he looks around like - I am ignoring you woman.

He is just very enjoyable. He gives you a smile when you walk away for a minute and come back like he has never seen you before! We are lucky... he is a joy...

more soon


WAIT - THE BIGGEST NEWS! LAST NIGHT HE SLEPT IN HIS CRIB WITHOUT WAKING UP FROM 7:30-6:00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, he might have woken up at 10:30ish but I was still awake so that doesn't count.
To all you new moms out there who think your kid will sleep by ten months.. pfftt.. I wish you luck sistas.
Will it ever happen again? I don't know. But once was glorious!!!! He really has impressed me with his crib usage... maybe I will write on that later :)

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