Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Last night was a good night, the baby slept from 12-6:30 with only one "put in the binky" wake up. So so nice. Today we woke up refreshed, and ready to start the day!

We had Easter here this year, because my husbands family was away and our house feels too small for more than 6 adults. I cooked, and it came out pretty well. Everything was relatively easy and quick but still tasty! As a random side note, I chopped jalapenos last night and more than 24 hours later my fingers are still stingy. Last night was not a pleasant time trying to stop them from hurting so I could fall asleep...

But in terms of baby, he was so so good today. I put him upstairs with daddy in bed and he took a nap with him! Didn't hear one peep.. I got to get all of my stuff done.. and it just went smoothly from there. He was so happy all day and sweet, took a long nap in the afternoon and at bed time put himself to sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, I gave him his binky which normally I hold in until he gets sleepy but tonight he spit it out.. and did his little hand claspy thing and put his sweet self to sleep! Such a good good baby, in five minutes. It's so weird to see him become a little person - he is fully rolling over all the time, with good speed. Sometimes he gets mad that he's on his stomach but lol he's a little dramatic.

Here are some pics from the day :)

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