Wednesday, April 4, 2012

You take the good with the bad.

I just went upstairs (after my fun DIY project which I will post pictures of soon) because baby started rustling around in the crib. I had the thought to pick him up, which I never normally do because he just wants his binky but I did and he immediately spit up on me. Okay so that part isn't that awesome but I decided to change his diaper now and slightly damp onesie because god knows he'll leak through it at some point anyway and he smiled, and kicked around and I touched his soft feet and kissed his smooth cheek and thought to myself "I am going to miss this some day".

I wish him to be older on a daily basis, mostly like "the grass is always greener" concept and I normally believe myself. I am sure hoping it will be easier and we will feel more and more like parents everyday and he will be so cute, and sweet and fun. I really do look forward to all of those things. I think to myself on a regular basis how I could never have imagined having a baby boy. I cried when I found out... and daddy told me I could get a kitten if that would make me happy (hes sweet) but now I can't imagine him even being a girl. The feeling would have been totally different and I pray that day will come but for this time the feeling is just as it should be.

He is my little man. He is whiney and pudgey and adorable. He loves me for growing him, he loves me for being with him all day and all night and I love him because he is perfect for us.

I will someday (way sooner than I can imagine) miss picking his little body up and kissing his sweet cheeks even in the middle of the night when I really need to be sleeping.

As always, I love you baby. Thank you for being ours.


  1. Well said, hard to put to words the emotions you feel and know. The best gift (s) in life. So much more to come, Cherish the moments, you can never kiss or hold him too much. I promise you will sleep again one day. These emotions however will never leave you, true love, I am so happy for you.

  2. As every - every - moment passes it will be one youll want back the further away from that moment you travel. It's my belief that the overall makeup of being a great parent is using your foresight to guide your actions for whats right in front of your face. Selfless love will always capture those moments and help sustain them in your memory because all you'll remember is how locked in you were to your baby's needs when you could've been off at the gym, or being productive and cleaning around he house, or just even in front of the boob tube eating filthy snacks. Cherish the innocence.
