Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Today gets a "whoa nelly"

Whoa nelly. Today was rough.

I contemplate writing these types of posts because who is even reading it? But just in case someone is in the same situation and they do read this maybe they will feel someone else is getting it.

Have you ever wanted to go up to another mom in a grocery store and ask "when does it get easier?" yeah I thought about it today. Today was not easy. The only reason I was even at the dumb new whole foods (not impressed, it was whatever, who needs to go to the grocery store and make their own bath salts??!?!?!?) is because I had to literally talk myself through today. That I was going to breathe. I was going to try to love my child into happiness. That I was going to be patient, and take a shower and put on make up. That I was going to do things out of the ordinary so that my day didn't seem the same. It was whoa nelly. As I said.

He has been crying a lot lately. I don't know what it is... He has always been kinda whiney... but we've had happier times for sure. It seems like lately the smallest thing will send him into hysterics and I want to cover my ears and pray he stops. Today I prayed someone watching over us (because I believe there is) would give me a small break, that he would sleep. And he did. But it didn't improve his mood. I could go on for awhile about all the details... but I don't want to sound like a terrible person who can't deal (again I could write an entire post on this) either way, I made a doctors appointment tomorrow and I AM PRAYING she tells me he has teeth coming in or an ear infection (I know he doesn't lol) or just something I can use as a reason because right now I have nothing. I am pretty sure she's not going to tell me any such thing...

I promise I am trying to think outside of the box and not let it bother me. I even stopped to help a lady with her cart at the store whereas normally I'd be like ah Im sure she can handle it.

Im too tired to be thankful. I feel bad about that. Maybe tomorrow will bring answers, or a happier day...


  1. Girl. I read your blog and I love it.. Keep up the good work!

    1. you do?!?! yay!!!!!! thank you thank you.. pass it on to other new moms. and i hope you keep reading until the baby! (and if your baby is nicer, youre lucky :) )
