Friday, March 9, 2012

Hello all!

I finally uploaded a few of the pictures I have been talking about.....

 See I went to the zoo. Documentation.

 Little man is cute. I swear. He photographs terribly like his mother.

 Visiting daddy at work!!!  Ignore dans awkward looking butt. this child will have NO BUTT bc I dont have one either.

 I spent 26 on this seat (on sale at marshalls) because I was too cheap to buy a bumbo.. well he doesnt fit in it properly because he's a sausage. So crap, today I bought one at a consignment sale.

 This was dude just chillin in his swing, checking out tv with no complaints.

 This is my baby cat, prudence. love of my kitty life. shes my baby.

 Today we had a play date. This is Nathalie. She wanted to pet hunter and poke his eye. Hunter also weighs one pound less than her and shes ten months.

The famous target zip up pjs. He lives in them. Sadly I dont have a cute girl to dress up in fancy stuff, so we resort to lame boy clothes. He wears pjs most of the time... this is 20 minutes ago before bed.

He is wearing target in all the other pictures as well... except his star outfit, that was a product of his first trip to childrens place. Dan says I shouldnt put him in stars. Boo hiss.

Anyway, so not a ton to say today. We went to this consignment sale that a friend had told me about. Hunter screamed the entire way there. He doesnt often do this... of course when we have company he acts insane. He was making cry sounds I have never heard so of course I did what I always do... tried to hold the binky while driving. (lucky for all of you I am actually a pretty good driver, so no worries) so when we get there it was like a freakin sporting events. 44757584 SUVs in the parking lot.. no where to park... screaming babies... not fun.

The place was small. Which is dumb. Because there were about 4930473290 moms in there, with their babies strapped to them, holding them, in like a 4 person stroller, or inside of them because it was the mecca for pregnant chicks. I was holding hunter which I rarely do out... but he was so sad from the car ride I just had to and thank god because carrying around the car seat would have been horrific. The place was a hot mess.

I paid 15 for a bumbo, which is dumb. And 7 for this cute soft ride on airplane that he can use when he gets older. Like potentially an xmas present for next year lol.

Anyway tonight is husband helps me out night!!!  I get to wake him up... I used to wake him after like the 3 or 4 am feeding (have I talked about this before lol??) and stick it out because as usual I "feel bad" its not his job, its mine. But when I start to question my stability in life I realize if this is what I need to make it another day... I need to get over it, and so does he. Luckily he helps me with no complaints. Considering tonight precious baby and I woke up at 615pm from a nap... and husband was asleep by 840pm. I feel like spending some extra time with his is needed.  So right, I now wake him up like whenever I want lol like 1am-2am and tell him I'm ready for bed and good luck.

every time this happens, I text him 10 seconds after he goes downstairs and tell him something else like where his binky is located, what toy he might need, what the status of his diaper is lol. Poor

Well that was long for not having much to say... but it's ok. Back to reading others blogs (lookatthebirds) check it out!!!!!! She's rad.

Today I am thankful for-
My warm house* my dirty car* my baby cat

The way precious baby smiles when he wakes up- so happy to see us.
the kicking,kicking,kicking,kicking he does on his changing pad. At least he's active :) love him.

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