Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It is 2:23am. Ugh. I would like to be sleeping but for some reason my body just doesn't understand how night time works. I was a zombie today for the most part, yet am I tired now? No. It makes me sad.

Anyway, today we went out our first mom and baby trip to the zoo! Along with some friends and their children (or nanny children as I like to call them). Hunter slept the entire time, I made Jackie take a picture so I would have documentation when he is older. I was reminded I dont really like the zoo. I generally find looking in the cage to see what's there, yucky. More than half the time I found myself saying "ew" or "ugh gross" the cats and stuff were cute, and maybe some small monkeys but that was about all. I guess the bird/ducks or whatever they were weren't bad either. Wait, I liked the polar bears too. Okay, so maybe it grew on me... but I'll surely leave the zoo outtings up to the husband when he gets older. Along with taking him to public restrooms, I gave that responsibility to him long ago.

I will post the two pictures I took there, tomorrow. 

Going along with the appreciation theme I was hoping this blog would provide me- I am going to add something I appreciate about precious baby each blog as well.

So- today I am thankful for-
fresh air* baby boys wearing leg warmers*friends with children.

At this last feeding, he didnt scream when the bottle was done. That was nice in itself but when attempting to burp him he laid his head on my shoulder and once or twice closed his sweet little eyes. He doesnt really enjoy laying on us anymore (which frankly im okay with, because I didnt want to have that child that only slept on our chests) So i looked at that sweet, sweet little face and was thankful for fresh air (note above) for making him tired. And I will try to make sure he gets more- so he is tired at night.
So I am thankful for that, and the sweet little suckles and lip smacks he makes while sleeping. The kid is a squirmy dude, gets it from his ridiculous father.

goodnight my precious baby, sleep well, dream, and for once could you sleep 4.5 hours?!?! please???

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