Saturday, March 24, 2012

Blogs are my friends.

It's scary reading so many blogs. I have always been a person into details, in most cases. I want to know all the details about a person. If someone is new in my life I generally ask all types of things that seem completely pointless... but it gives me a point of reference if those people mention the things again. Now, some people I dont really care that much about so I don't ask. But, the problem with mom bloggers is I feel like I hear all their life details, and I like them but I do not know them in real life therefore my life on the internet after 10pm and real life are blurring and I am sure it's not normal. But whatever. Ironically enough while pregnant I kept telling the husband I need mom friends... I am sure this is not what he was expecting. I never even read a blog before this all started.. I never knew it was such a community. I always thought, why would you want to read someones random thoughts on a computer screen and now I think about them all day. I think about what I could put in my blog (ps- i never put any of them because I am lazy. Probably not going to make for a successful blog huh) and I think about other peoples blogs and how I look forward to reading them later. I wish I knew these people... I wish I had the determination to make my blog awesome like theirs, so I could go to conferences and what not.. I also wonder if they started out just like me.. never knowing it would actually be read by anyone.

I also have ideas that they have had and I stop and think, well crap maybe I am not bad at this! but then I go back to my boring blog where I havent even learned how to put up pictures quickly... and realize it might not ever be anything.  That all sounded like a pity party didnt it lol? I didnt mean it to be so. Just sharing.  Point of the story- this girl is my new read. I started out in august 2009... it was perfect because it was the birth of her baby... so I didn't read anything before that but I have managed to get caught up enough. That's the great thing about this whole blog obsession... I literally read EVERY single post from a certain date on (and her blog is awesome because it's very easy to go into the archives, and scroll through all the posts in order) and it gives me a whole new person to get to know.

It's been very interesting to hear her talk about the things I have thought so far about motherhood. Her and others of course. But to know I am not alone in the not-so-super-gushy parts is very reassuring. I will say it again, I love him to pieces... but I was very independent before and motherhood is a tricky change. But we make it everyday, in one piece, and with love in our hearts at the end. So therefore, were doing just fine.

So I will certainly work on being better. Better at using this savvy internet, better at getting cute pictures on here, and better at believing in myself.  We'll see... but if you read this ever... tell a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now- here are some pictures to prove I am working on it.....

 Dude always looks surprised. He comes from his spastic father.
 babylegs. looking goooood.
 chunky, sitting in his throw up inducing bumbo.
 cuteeeeeeeee legs.
 we took our boppy back!!!! thats right...

 the cats may not longer use it... until he gets too too big.

 I mean, a baby in a pullover. come on now.
 see, always shocked and scared. from his father.

 baby doesn't cooperate for pictures. but hey, we try.

We slept in that boppy for the first part of our lives, we didn't use enough playmats and colorful toys from day 1, mom generally puts baby in pjs alll day because I like cotton, therefore I dont see why my baby should be in fancy clothes to sit around (leading to us having tons of outfits he wore for a few hours and never again) and we struggle with kicking the cats off of the babys thing because... they were my babies at one point. Life is ever-changing.. and all we can hope is that we can change for the best... and love to the best of our ability. 

Today I am thankful for-
daddy helping us clean* baby pullover sweatshirts and mini reese peanut butter cups.

I want to remember how the baby looked laying on his changing mat today (a picture to come in the near future for a blog I am hoping to write) he doesn't quite take up the whole thing yet and there will come a day that he will be much much larger... and I will be sad.

goodnight all.

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