Thursday, March 8, 2012

Today was actually a rather good day. I know, crazy right? My child was nice to me today and I find that when he's nice to me I am happier and when I am happier I am nicer to him and love him even more than normal. So that's a win win and he should continue the pattern. He was a happy baby today. He slept and ate (I let him have 8ozs in a few bottles, he doesnt cry hysterically after so I assume why not) apparently he's hungry and I deprive him of 4394838ozs a day. He also was content in so many places! He went for a walk, visited daddy at work for the first time- you put him out in the fresh air and generally he'll fall asleep, he sat in the kitchen with me most of the day in his rocker thing while I cleaned and read blogs and it was dandyyyy!!!  (pretty sure that was a run on sentence)

Happy allll day- so the husband wants dairy queen (were pretty bad influences on each other, if it weren't for me he would hardly ever eat ice cream) so I left this happy, calm, quiet child in his swing- he's sitting up so he likes that! in front of the tv and he likes that! clean, dry, bib on to catch on the drool (stupid acid reflux) and I go to dairy queen and remember I wanted to take a moonlit stroller walk asap. Tonight was perfect! So I pull back in the driveway five minutes later and hear screaming. Jesus. Who knows what happened, maybe he sensed I was gone and thought I left him with daddy for life but whatever it was, was lame. So I still insisted bringing him outside for this walk thinking the night air would calm him. We got three feet and all there was, was crying. We attempted to go a little further because I forced the husband out (when he rather have sat on the couch) but I had to hold him because he was pissed. So alas it was a fail. We will try again later. because I have hopes of this awesome night time walk stuff.

In terms of my new mother stuff, I know you are not supposed to compare babies. I mean yes, the hours on google doesnt help but I havent googled much lately which is rad but looking at these blogs now got me thinking... my child doesnt seem as advanced. I am not worried persay. I just worry that I didnt dangle enough colorful objects in front of him from birth because I certainly didnt. My thought was he can hardly see in front of him therefore what's the point I rather watch live with kelly! so I'll just hold him. That I haven't pushed tummy time enough because I havent. Other babies seem to sit up so nicely- this kid is like a sausage and when you try to sit him up he straightens out and gets pissed. He doesn't even really try to roll over, he is three months today actually! he does do this weird thing with his head but I dont really get what he's attempting to do... so I tell him to stop. Poor kid still tries to get his fingers but can't... so again I often tell him to give up. I promise him later in life I will be more encouraging but someone needs to be the realist right??? I just worry... I try to tell myself he will do stuff in due time so all I can do is hope.

I do love him to pieces though. The kid is so damn cute, and its so sad because a-other people probably dont agree lol and b- he looks terrrible in pictures so you cant capture the cuteness. I love to kiss his wet little mouth and smell his sweatiness after he sleeps in his car seat or anywhere really because I cover him up with too many blankets.

I promise I will upload pictures soon. Not that anyone is waiting lol but I guess some visuals would help. Also he wore pants today that are so cute I put him in them to sleep too because I loved them that much. A picture is needed for those alone.

I took a natural sleep aid tonight.. I am PRAYING it allows me to wake up easily when he fusses because his crying hurts my brain. When he fidgets in the night I hear him, and feed him. Its lame because I need to go into the kitchen to heat up the water in his bottle (because who really wants to drink coldddd liquid that tastes like cheese powder?!?! he's on nutramigen) no one. So this is also why he still sleeps in the living room next to me... sleeping in his crib would triple the work I have to do.

We shall see.

Pictures soon. I promise.

Today I am thankful for-
my cats adjusting mostly well to the baby* open windows* baby gap.

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